Vanessa is truly one of those remarkable individuals who seems to be born with a natural, keen eye for style, along with a strong need for a creative outlet to effectively share that unique style with others. She collaborates closely with Mr. Green in projecting just the right aesthetic and vibe when it comes to capturing the distinct RockStar style that all of our valued customers desire and seek. Together, they work diligently to ensure that every photograph reflects the personality and flair that defines a brand.

You can normally find Vanessa hunting down unique vintage clothing as she meticulously prepares for an upcoming shoot or simply to add something new and exciting to her eclectic collection. If you have ever heard the term “pull a rabbit from your hat,” well, that perfectly describes Vanessa; she always has that one exceptional item that she pulls out of nowhere, which magically completes the entire look..

Her work with us has significantly enhanced the RockStars of Photography brand in numerous ways. It has been pivotal in allowing the customer’s needs and Mr. Green’s unique vision to come to life in a truly remarkable manner.

Alongside standard branding efforts, Mr. Green and Vanessa are working together to create fine art pieces with various models from the RockStars model community. These images will be displayed in art galleries, featured on RSOP clothing, printed on posters, and more, enhancing the artistic vision of both RockStars of Photography and Vanessa.

Meet Vanessa Shoop